People often ask me, given the improvement and ubiquity of cell phones, whether DSLRs survive. This actually entails two slightly…

I gave a keynote talk at Eurographics where I shared my thoughts about the field of computational photography. It’s a longer…

I recently gave a talk about our programming language and compiler for image processing, Halide. Click here for the…

Some thoughts about how to do research and find good problems to work on. Click here for the slides

My thoughts about the successes and areas for growth in computational photography. Click here.

A conversation with Marc Levoy unlocked one thing that has puzzled me for a while: why don’t we see cell…

A new Science article demonstrates an ultra flat lens made of metamaterials that is as sharp as physically possible, has…

Excellent educational video describing the challenges caused by independent movements for video compression.

I love cameras that don’t give you a picture of what you are looking at but instead produce a derivative….

There has got to be a fun computational way to do this automatically! Via Petapixel http://petapixel.com/2016/05/18/famous-faces-recreated-using-bits-pieces-stock-portraits/